Miss India 2023: The country of India recently got the 59th Miss India in the form of Nandini Gupta. Nandini is a resident of Rajasthan and she made this title in her name at the age of just 19 years. There is a wave of happiness in the whole country on the victory of Nandini Gupta. Many people followed him on social media, due to which his fan following has increased a lot.
Nandini Gupta is a beauty with a brain

This time Femina Miss India was held in Manipur. Nandini Gupta(Miss India 2023), who won the crown of this beauty pageant, did not win this competition just like that. Contestants from representatives of 29 states and all union territories came, out of which 30 contestants were included. Amidst so many rivals, Nandini Gupta, who is called Beauty with Brain, won the hearts of the judges as well as the entire nation by giving smart answers to the questions.
Miss India 2023 Winner and Runner up
Meet Nandini Gupta, 19-Year-Old from Rajasthan: Miss India 2023 Winner…
Read @SwarajyaTimes Story : https://t.co/9XLRfPBDY6#MissIndia2023 | #NandiniGupta | #FeminaMissIndia | #Rajasthan | #BeautyPageant | #CrownedWinner | pic.twitter.com/BCDlbgE93y— Swarajya Times (@SwarajyaTimes) April 16, 2023
Nandini Gupta’s cool answer and spot answer made all the judges sitting there their followers. In such a situation, there must have been curiosity in your mind to know that question, by answering which she could become entitled to this crown(Miss India 2023). This was the question, which matters a lot. What was that question, let’s know.
This question was asked to Nandini Gupta
#FeminaMissIndia2023: #Rajasthan‘s #NandiniGupta crowned as Femina Miss India World 2023 in 59th edition of Femina Miss India 2023 Grand Finale held at #Imphal. pic.twitter.com/5XUTznajhs
— All India Radio News (@airnewsalerts) April 16, 2023
When the question-answer round started in the Miss India beauty pageant, all the contestants were called forward one by one. This was the round where their general knowledge as well as confidence and ideas were judged(Miss India 2023).
Nandini Gupta Miss India 2023
Keeping these qualities in mind, the judges choose Miss India. In such a situation, when the turn of question and answer came to Nandini Gupta, she was asked if given a choice, what would she like to change – the world or herself? The answer given by Nandini(Miss India 2023) in response to this question won the hearts of millions of fans.
Nandini Gupta gave this answer
Congratulations Nandini Gupta for being crowned as Miss India 2023 ❤️❤️#nandinigupta #MissIndia2023 #FeminaMissIndia2023 #missindia #feminamissindia pic.twitter.com/O5L9t39qWy
— ENTERTAINWOODD (@entertainwoodd) April 15, 2023
Nandini Gupta, who represented herself with full confidence and grace, said that she would like to change herself. He said that the way they get the understanding of appreciation and charity from home(Miss India 2023), change also happens from home. If you have the power to change yourself, you can change the world. On hearing his answer, all the people present there clapped.
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