HomeInternationalCovid19: New mutations of corona virus in China spread worldwide apprehensions, scientific...

Covid19: New mutations of corona virus in China spread worldwide apprehensions, scientific concerns

हमें फॉलो करें

Beijing: Can the new mutated form of Coronavirus spread in the world due to the spurt in the cases of Kovid-19 in China? Scientists don’t know but are concerned that this may be the case. They feel that it could be like the Omicron of Kovid-19 spread now. Scientists say that it can be a mixture of several types of coronavirus or it can be a completely different type.


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Dr. Stuart Campbell Ray, an expert in infectious disease cases at Johns Hopkins University, said, China has a large population and there is limited immunity. This seems like a situation in which we can see a new type of explosion of the Kovid-19 virus.

This virus is spreading rapidly in China

Every new infection provides an opportunity for the coronavirus to mutate and this virus is spreading rapidly in China. This country with a population of 140 crores has abandoned the policy of ‘Zero Kovid’ to a great extent. Although recorded vaccination rates are high overall, booster dose rates are low, especially among the elderly.

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Read More: Covid Variant ‘BF.7’ तेजी से फैल रहे इस वेरिएंट जानें लक्षण

China’s domestic vaccine proved to be less effective

China’s domestic vaccine has proved to be less effective against serious infections than the M-RNA-based vaccine of western countries. Many people in China were vaccinated a year ago, which means they have reduced immunity. What will be the result of all this? The simple answer is that the virus will find a fertile ground to mutate. Ray said, when we saw a big wave of infection, then often a new type of virus arose after that.

Several Omicron variants have been marked in China, including the BF-7.


Dr. Shan-Lu Liu, who studies the virus at Ohio State University, said several existing Omicron types have been characterized in China, including BF-7, which is adept at evading immunity. The current surge in COVID-19 cases in China is believed to be due to the BF-7 variant of the virus. According to experts, populations with partial immunity (such as China) have particularly put pressure on the virus to mutate.

Read More: New Covid Variant ‘BF.7’ Behind China Surge Found in India

Does the virus follow a similar mode of development in China as well?

Dr. Gagandeep Kang, who has studied the virus at the Christian Medical College in Vellore in India, said it remains to be seen whether the virus follows the same pattern of evolution in China that it followed in the rest of the world after the vaccine was developed. Or will its mode of development be completely different?

Limited information on genetic wire sequencing is being received from China

Covid Variant 'BF.7

Virologist Jeremy Luban of the University of Massachusetts Medical School said that currently limited information on genetic wire sequencing is being received from China. We do not know what is going on there. But it is clear that the pandemic is not over yet.

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