Benefits of Sex: If you consider sex only as an act which gives you pleasure then you are a little wrong. Sex also has many benefits. Not only this, if sex is done regularly then it also has benefits. Let us know what are the benefits of having sex every day…
Risk of heart Attack Reduces(Sex krne se kya fayda hota h)
A recent study has revealed that sexually active men have less risk of heart attack. People who had sex at least twice a week were found to have a lower risk than people who had sex once a month.
Increase in Immunity
Regular sexual intercourse strengthens the body’s immune system. This makes your body more capable of dealing with common diseases. Like common cold and fever.
Help deal with Stress
Are you stressed due to work and family problems? If this is so then sex can also be a good way to overcome this. According to the study, people who are active in the bedroom are able to deal with any pressure well.
Headache also happens
If you avoid love citing headache, then stop doing so. This is because when we reach orgasm, the level of oxytocin in the body increases up to 5 times. It eliminates many types of pain in the body.
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Age Increases
The age of people who have regular sex also increases. This is because the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone is released upon reaching orgasm. This strengthens the immune system and repairs tissues.
Increases blood circulation
Heart rate increases during sex and this increases blood circulation in all parts of the body(Benefits of Sex).
Sleep Well
Sleep well after sex. With this, you wake up relaxed the next morning and perform your work better. Apart from this you feel positive.
Improve Fitness
If you want to go to the gym to improve your fitness or want to work harder, this is also a way. Having sex(Benefits of Sex) helps in keeping the body in shape. Having regular sex reduces waist fat. Making love for about half an hour burns more than 80 calories.
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What are the benefits of having more sex? reduce stress
People who are physically active suffer from less stress than others. Actually(Sex Ke Fayde in Hindi), having sex releases feel good hormones in the body. This reduces your stress and makes you feel good. Having more sex can increase a person’s happiness and he can remain stress free.
Muscles become Stronger(Benefits of Sex)
Testosterone hormone is released from men’s body during sex. This not only makes you feel good in bed but also makes your muscles and bones look stronger.
How many times does it take to have a baby?
To get pregnant, the most important thing is that both partners have a good orgasm. According to a study, if partners have sex 13 times a month, their chances of getting pregnant increases.
Sex Ke Fayde in Hindi
Having sex daily increases endorphin hormones responsible for enhancing sex mood, which reduces stress. Don’t forget that sex is a form of exercise that reduces stress and keeps you calm. Whenever you are stressed, just have sex with your partner.
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